It is important to us that our users retain their privacy. We therefore pledge the following:
The information you provide to us will be kept as confidential as is possible, consistent with our attempts to provide the assistance you seek.
In giving publicity to your case, we shall not publish details that will enable you to be identified by the public at large. Generally we shall use only first names and the leading letter of your surname in publishing your story, except where, for special reasons, we have obtained your permission to publish your full details, or where you have expressly requested us to do so.
Under no circumstances will any of the information you have provided be used for commercial purposes, offered to database compilers or used for unsolicited e-mail(spam).
The site will be maintained in a child-safe state and will not include any violence oriented, pornographic, vulgar or otherwise inappropriate material or links.
The site does not use cookies.
The information we hold will be held securely in accordance with the data Protection Act 1988
If you have any queries about privacy or the information we hold about you, please e-mail us at: (please copy link and paste into your e-mail client)
It seems to me, Golan, that the advance of civilization is nothing but an exercise in the limiting of privacy. Janov Pelorat in Asimov's Foundation's Edge